Results Based Management

MDA’s approach provides a framework to define tangible and sustainable results, monitor progress of implementation, increase accountability for performance, and integrate lessons learned into management decisions. Our facilitators enhance the approach by applying relevant implementation and subject matter expertise.

Rapid Results Methodology (RRM)

RRM is a methodology that achieves systematic change through a series of small scale, results-producing and momentum-building initiatives. RRM empowers teams to achieve results in 90 days (quarterly reporting cycle), by focusing on a few initial results that are linked to the overall strategic objective, within a temporary governance and support structure designed to reinforce and strengthen existing management skills. A new set of 90-day, or one-year targets are established on the momentum created by the results achieved during the first 90 days. RRM has been used to jumpstart change efforts, to accelerate implementation of stalled projects, and to improve service delivery in multi-sectoral, sectoral and institutional settings.

Results Based Strategic and Operational Planning

MDA facilitates an initial process of review and reflection that examines core competencies, organizational purpose, and mission with the aim of defining appropriate benchmarks and steering development toward specific outcomes. Our experts then work with clients to develop a roadmap towards achieving their goals, and to ensure that institutional processes and services support and contribute to the achievement of clearly stated results. MDA has also developed training modules addressing key components of strategic and operational planning. Administered in a workshop setting, this offers individuals and teams an experiential approach to understanding and applying the planning concepts in developing strategic and/or operational plans.

Results Based Financing (RBF)

In many developing countries, ministries of finance and development partners continue to provide substantial resources for health programs but the corresponding change in health outcomes is limited. Results based financing is an innovative approach to improve health care outcomes using appropriate supply side incentives. This approach focuses on providing evidence based financial/non-financial incentives to health consumers, providers and payers to ensure that pre-determined results (outputs) are achieved. RBF has the potential to increase both the quantity and quality of health services provided and the solution can be customized to the local health context, intended beneficiaries and expected outcomes. MDA utilizes RBF to assist national, provincial and local governments in strategically allocating resources and providing appropriate incentives to positively change behavior towards greater efficiency and effectiveness of health service delivery.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Performance monitoring, reporting and evaluation is a critical component of results based management, providing a mechanism to evaluate progress toward achievement of stated results. Planners and implementers alike must now treat M&E as an integral part of the project design, and an indispensable management function necessary to demonstrate results. This requires strengthening of M&E methods and tools and their practical application in the entire project cycle. MDA provides training in basic concepts, principles, tools and methods of M&E. It also works with individual teams and institutions to review the process of planning and implementing effective M&E processes, and to suggest strategies to improve M&E.

"Shifting the focus of strategic planning and management processes towards achieving tangible and sustainable results."