Program Management

MDA’s international, multidisciplinary team provides a full spectrum of tools and services across the project cycle, ranging from program assessments, project design and proposal writing, to implementation support and evaluation.

Program Assessment and Design

Our evaluation framework is designed to answer specific questions and respond to special considerations unique to each program. MDA systematically assesses the extent to which programs and/or interventions achieve their stated objectives, measure up against accreditation requirements, national benchmarks or models of best practice. We also provide evidence to inform improvements in policy, design and implementation.

Implementation Support

MDA goes beyond developing recommendations and guidelines by providing direct technical assistance that is tailored to each program’s unique situation and priorities. Our experts work on site, coaching organizational teams through the implementation process, facilitating the process of change to streamline operations, address identified gaps or priority problem areas, and providing guidance on integrating new policies, processes, or programs.

Procurement Management

MDA assists clients to develop a procurement plan, through a comprehensive approach that encompasses internal units involved in project management activities and external suppliers and vendors. It facilitates a thorough understanding of the procurement management system, procurement department activities, guidance on managing vendor contracts/relationships and stakeholder roles and responsibilities.

Financial Management

MDA associates provide a variety of financial management services to support a wide range of public and private sector clients. These services are targeted to both finance and non-finance personnel because financial management is critical to successful program management. MDA specializes in improving audit opinions, conducting rigorous financial systems reviews, and proactive risk management. MDA provides training in basic concepts and components of financial management systems, (accounting and administrative) and practical steps to set up a functional financial management system for individual or groups of organizations. MDA also developed and supports a network of in-country costing experts who provide technical assistance to countries upon request, in close collaboration with international experts.

"Delivering customized technical assistance to strengthen program and service delivery."