Capacity Development

Our capacity development framework and key principles apply to a wide variety of contexts, and draw upon other areas of MDA expertise. We combine participatory, group and individual learning methods, and our approach is informed by a comprehensive capacity assessment undertaken in the initial stages of the project. MDA regularly partners with academic institutions to ensure that our course materials and content are accredited.

Multilevel interventions

MDA’s framework addresses competencies in organizational development, program management, human resource development, financial management and resource mobilization. We create customized learning tools and engage resource persons with local knowledge to ensure that we respond to the contextual reality. We provide technical assistance at three levels; (i) national/sector level where our assistance typically relates to strengthening a specific area of competence, such as procurement, planning, or monitoring and evaluation; (ii) institutional strengthening where we work with NGOs and other institutions to assess internal policies, management systems, implementation arrangements including quality assurance mechanisms, skills and competencies; and, (iii) community/service level we work with target communities, (i.e. youth groups, males or PLHIV) to increase awareness, with a view to expanding access and uptake of specific interventions such as male circumcision.

Competency Training

MDA provides specialized one-on-one and small group training to strengthen functional competencies. Our training techniques incorporate a variety of methods through which participants learn by doing, rather than passive listening. Training incorporates in-class, on-site and web-based approaches, depending on the client requirements and contextual setting. Areas of training include, strategic and operational planning, clinical and operations research, financial management, costing and monitoring and evaluation.

"Strengthening and maintaining supportive policies, systems and skills that institutions need in order to function effectively and achieve their strategic goals."